Project objectives

LIFE IP EnerLIT started its activity in the end of 2021 and is driven by the goal of helping Lithuania move towards climate neutrality by 2050. Particularly, by integrating the issues of energy efficiency and climate change into the sectors with the highest GHG reduction potential in the country: transport, buildings, and industry (including agriculture).
Experts in different fields from 15 Lithuanian and Polish national, regional and non-governmental organizations joined forces to solve the challenges of increasing energy efficiency in Lithuania.
LIFE IP EnerLIT project team works in 5 activity areas to help the country implement the measures for increasing energy efficiency included in the National Energy and Climate Action Plan by putting efforts to create favorable financial and legal incentives, introduce newer and less energy-consuming technologies, raise awareness and encourage behavior change of end users.
We strongly believe that in the end of the project, increasing energy efficiency will become an integral part of the everyday life, both of companies and end users.
National and regional capacity building
Building national and regional capacities for effective coordination, monitoring and integration of Lithuanian climate change mitigation policy.
Sustainable and efficient buildings
Creating a favorable legal and financial environment for the achievement of climate goals in the buildings sector.
Developing and implementing advanced energy consumption solutions that reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector.
Encouraging energy consumption reduction in buildings by changing the behavior of energy end users.
Effective and climate friendly mobility
Creating a favorable legal and financial environment for the achievement of climate goals in the transport sector.
Developing and implementing advanced energy consumption solutions that reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector.
Encouraging energy consumption reduction in transport by changing the behavior of energy end users.
Green and energy-saving industry
Creating a favorable legal and financial environment for the achievement of climate goals in the industry sector.
Developing and implementing advanced energy consumption solutions that reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions in the industry sector and agriculture.
Encouraging energy consumption reduction in industry and agriculture by changing the behavior of energy end users.
Green public procurement
Strengthening the iplementation of green public procurement policy.
The project “Improving energy efficiency in Lithuania” (No. LIFE20 IPC/LT/000002) has received funding from the European Union LIFE programme and the Republic of Lithuania. The content of this website is the sole responsibility of its authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.