Sustainable and efficient buildings
In Lithuania buildings consume about 40% of primary energy and are one of the largest sources of GHG emissions. The low energy performance of buildings results in high energy consumption and high maintenance costs, leads to inefficient use of public financial resources to modernize the energy sector, as well as to compensate for inefficient energy use and does not reduce energy poverty rates. However, existing building refurbishment measures and the scale of their implementation are insufficient due to following challenges:
- Inefficient financial mechanism and the lack of political will, the relatively long process of building modernization, the lack of motivation of residents cause still insufficient volume of building renovation.
- Disperse, not holistic planning of renovation: there are no conditions for the preparation and implementation of complex, integrated, larger-scale quarters, etc. territorial renewal projects, which would combine measures and financial resources administered by different ministries.
- Lack of cooperation between building renovation and energy/heat supply industries.
- Low level of awareness and behavioural patterns of local residents since the lack of clear leadership and appropriate resources for policy coordination at municipal level.
To address these issues, LIFE IP EnerLIT designs measures to:
- Create an effective management system for the mobilization and administration of additional funds in the building sector.
- Improve legal regulation by ensuring intersectoral harmonization of the legal base.
- Stimulate the implementation of private house and multi-apartment renovation measures set in the National Energy and Climate Action Plan.
- Change consumer behaviour, reducing climate impact.
Project activities in this area include following:
- Development of an effective management system for mobilization and administration of additional funds in building sector.
- Harmonisation of cross-sectoral and sectoral legal frameworks for sustainable and efficient buildings.
- Renovation of private houses, including the improvement of financial incentives and the development of renovation passport system.
- Renovation of multi-apartment and public buildings by establishing a competence center for a coordination of building renovation processes in the country, implementing digital solutions to reduce the administrative burden, and attracting additional funds for the implementation of renovation initiatives.
- Agreement on energy savings and consumer education.
- Reducing energy consumption in buildings by innovative intervention approaches for behaviour change.
The project “Improving energy efficiency in Lithuania” (No. LIFE20 IPC/LT/000002) has received funding from the European Union LIFE programme and the Republic of Lithuania. The content of this website is the sole responsibility of its authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.